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Endangered species: how can schools help save the hedgehog?

From building cardboard houses to make holes in the fences, there are many ways simple and fun to teach children how to protect nature thorny best friend

Miss Tiggy Winkle Beatrix Potter Sonic the Hedgehog has been a part of children's imaginations for hundreds of years. The news of the fall rush dramatic but adorable creature in Britain, therefore, be a shock to many. However, schools have the power to help save the humble hedgehog disappear from our countryside and cities forever.

public confidence in Endangered Species (ETP) states hedgehog numbers have fallen by more than a third between 2003 and 2012, leaving only one million left the UK. Habitat loss, poor management of hedgerows and the construction of new roads, housing and other developments tend to blame.

In response, the organization has launched a campaign to get the kid community support. Now, dozens of schools have signed up to become "champions hedgehog, not only contributes to a beloved creature to the brink, but also to educate students about endangered species living at your doorstep.

When the teacher Dawn Clements of San Miguel Church of England Primary School in the quiet village of Steventon, Oxfordshire, has opted for the fate of the hedgehog as a subject in its class six years, not had any idea of ??the impact would be positive for both the children and the community in general.

"When PTES taught a meeting on endangered species, do not even think the hedgehog," he said. "Of course, the children were thinking about exotic animals such as tiger or a panda. So I was surprised to think that they had in common. This makes it more interesting for them.

"The children were very excited and my particular class eager to participate. Then find out everything I could about hedgehogs. Would leave like that.

"But at that time I was teaching persuasive writing and thought, here we have a perfect example of what we need to convince. - The rest of the school and the school community they took all the devices had been learning to write a speech to encourage people to help hedgehogs and show you how. mental maps begin with what they know about hedgehogs, after knowledge of boxing in appropriate sections so that they can make their point and supported by evidence. "

After registering on the site Hedgehog Street, students have taken concrete steps to help animals. While some hedgehog houses designed cardboard and wood, others have encouraged their relatives and neighbors also begin to ensure that their gardens were well hedgehog.

Clements added: "One of the guys is on the same street that I live in the village, we look at our gardens and I realized that we had hedges between our gardens and paid a reflection on if the hedgehog could begin. encourage our entire line of houses to make a small hole in the bottom. And that's what they did back home in their neighborhoods and try to do the same.

"The school is a great way to get everyone involved."


newsletters and posters to off-site activities Hedgehog street is full of great resources for teachers to download.

Milk is bad for them. Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant. This can become very sick and can even kill young urchins. Pan can also be very evil and has no real nutritional value. So do not. Just give them meat cat or dog food and water.

Then there are several dangers in the garden environment that can come from a culture. The first is the use of chemicals and slugs, of course. It can poison them. They can also often fall into the pond and drown, so if your school has a wildlife area with a pond, make sure that the edges or shallow ramps so they can enter and exit the water.

If your school is surrounded by green fields and hedges, do not despair. Hedgehogs are also found in cities.
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